Vi hälsar den tjeckiske landslagsspelaren Martin Kisugite hjärtligt välkommen till Höllviken Innebandy och SSL! Martin har representerat Tjeckien i både deras U19- samt deras herrlandslag och har haft en betydande roll i deras försvarslinje. Nu senast kommer han från schweiziska Tigers Langnau där han förra året producerade 32 poäng (21+11) på 26 matcher och vi ser fram emot att se Martin ta sig an våra SSL-lag den kommande säsongen.
Vi tog en liten frågestund med Martin:
Hi Martin and welcome to Höllviken Innebandy! For those that doesn’t know you; tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi, thanks! I have spent my whole junior and also senior career in FBŠ Bohemians in Czech Superleague except last two seasons in which I played in Switzerland. Last season I won the Swiss cup with the Tigers Langnau. As for the national team, I played U19 WFC in 2013 in Hamburg and last December I have been part of the Czech national team on WFC 2018 in Prague (most of the games I played with Němeček - I believe that this guy is already known among SSL players and fans).
How would you describe yourself as a player and what will you bring/add to the team?
Mostly I play right defender but during my career I have played many games as a right winger as well as a center. For example last season in Tigers Langnau I played almost half of the qualification as a winger. As for the player characteristics I would say I am an offensive defender with good pass skills that can make quick desitions on the pitch.
You’re playing in the Czech national team so you’ve met a lot of Swedish players during those years. What would you say are the biggest differences between Czech and Swedish players?
According to my opinion the biggest differences between us are self-confidence on the pitch and stick skills under pressure.
What’s your expectations on the coming season and do you have any personal goals?
I expect that beginning could be though but I believe that everything will get better. My only goal is to help the team to be better than in a previous season. I think its too early for another personal goals, I have to get to know the team, background of SSL and so on first.
What do you prefer to spend your money on?
I always enjoy spending some money in some quality restaurant.
Name three things on your bucketlist?
Number one is for sure to win a medal on WFC. Number two - I have always wanted to play in SSL. I believe that every player that plays floorball on top level has SSL on his bucket list. Third one - One day I would like to win Czech Superleague with my origin team FBŠ Bohemians.
Viktor Ottosson, sportchef, om Martin:
Martin kommer till oss med erfarenhet av landslagsspel i det tjeckiska landslaget. Han är en spelskicklig back som gillar att tänka offensivt och det kommer nog att tillföra en hel del hos oss. Truppen börjar sätta sig och Martin är en pusselbit som vi verkligen är i behov av så vi är väldigt glada att han valde att komma till oss. Vi önskar honom lycka till och håller tummarna för att han kan hjälpa oss att ta nästa steg!